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Written to study Film Production, December 2021 

In studying the art of filmmaking, I aim to deepen my theoretical knowledge and diversify my technical skills in pursuit of becoming an attentive and knowledgeable filmmaker.  


Inspired by classic world cinema, I strive to capture stories with a meditation on culture and society. Since researching classical Hollywood comedies, I have developed a keen interest in traditional cinema practices. My independent study of 1920s filmmaking introduced me to the workings of Buster Keaton and inspired me to produce my own Silent Era Slapstick Comedy, “Recipe for Happiness” in February 2021. Taking creative risk, I combined live-action with stop-motion, experimenting with frame rate to recreate the 1920’s cinematic style. I am eager to learn shooting on film within this degree and broaden my understanding of motion picture processes.


Originally produced as coursework, I entered “Recipe for Happiness” into the Media Magazine Lockdown Production Competition in July and won Best Direction, awarded by Eva Riley. Following this, I submitted my film to the Play Observatory, and was contacted by researchers from UCL, who asked me to produce another self-directed film as part of their research. My film “Locked in Character” refined my storytelling style, taking inspiration from Jean Luc Godard’s “Le Mépris,” by using a re-occurring soundtrack to illustrate my protagonist’s emotions. It is planned for screening in January 2022, where I will be discussing my work with an audience of professionals. This project taught me how to research and identify the appropriate licensing to share my stories with others, and I have gained a greater resilience in navigating opportunities as an upcoming filmmaker.  

My coursework has been instrumental in the quality of my filmmaking practice. Producing production paperwork has taught me how to organise my productions to an industry standard and highlighted the importance of health and safety. I enjoy pitching each project, learning how to plot my idea from inception to distribution. In keeping Reflective Diaries, I have utilised my academic writing and critical thinking skills. For example, in realising sound was not yet a strongpoint of mine, I decided to produce a Musical. Collaborating with a musician to produce Seasons, I was able to study sound and evaluate its impact on narrative. This illustrates my desire to learn alongside talented individuals; your course has the perfect balance of self-directed and collaborative working for a student like me.  

Since gaining work experience with BCB Media, as Film Director and Co-editor of Southampton City College’s Annual Awards Evening 2021, I have gained insight into key production roles and their responsibilities. Directing a multi-camera livestream utilised my leadership and interpersonal skills and intensified my interest in this specialism. I am now in contact with award-winning documentary director Lucy Wilcox, who has offered to provide me with work experience in the upcoming months. Documentary filmmaking is an area I am particularly interested in, and I am eager to learn more about self-shooting and factual storytelling.   

As a storyteller, I love finding new ways of connecting to my audiences. I was honoured to be invited back to Priestlands School to give a series of presentations to their current GCSE Media Studies cohort. My portfolio of work was essential in offering guidance when it came to pursuing their interests in film. I am looking forward to fostering a strong film community in studying this degree and building a purposeful portfolio of work that empowers others.   

In studying Film Production, I want to engage in new specialisms, enrich my storytelling and continue producing award-winning films, to forge my career in the industry I am most passionate about. I know that your specialist environment will be perfectly suited to my learning style and experience, and it would be a privilege to be a part of your creative community. 

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