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CCS Annual Awards Evening Highlights 2021
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"Lauren recently worked as the director for the Southampton City College Awards evening live streamed event. It was Lauren’s responsibility to guide the Mixer and co-director, to ensure the multi-camera live stream was always following the action of the event, by transmitting the best shot. This was a complicated procedure that involved following the script, communicating with the camera operators, and ensuring they were on the correct shot for the winners of each award.    


As her supervisor, I can testify that Lauren was well-prepared, organised and kept calm during the pressure of the live stream.


Following the live stream, Lauren co-edited the footage that was published on the official college social media sites. The editing team had to work to a professional standard, and respond to critical feedback to improve the edit. This work was completed in extra time, and successfully executed. This demonstrated high levels of professional aptitude, reliability and storytelling editing techniques." 

- Fiona Poustie, Course Leader, Film and TV Production, Southampton City College 

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This work experience developed my knowledge and understanding of directing, I am keen to work within this specialism because I love to tell stories through collaborative learning, and lead talented individuals whilst learning as a team in the process.

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 This experience helped me build upon my technical skills, producing both a live and in-studio edit. I wanted to capture the story in both sequences, so I selected certain camera framing and movement in order to make the viewer feel as if they were a member of the audience, enjoying the atmosphere through the Random Camera and watching the award winners in their moment of glory through the combination of camera pans and fixed close-ups.

I also wanted the edit to highlight the skills of each production team member, so that they could realise the impact of their role on the production.

My colleague and I worked together to solve any technical difficulties, such as sound and incorporating all of the special awards (a requirement of our client). We worked to ensure the highlights reel reflected the rhythm and order of events, and we were able to gain feedback from our client, ensuring that we followed the style of BCB Media, and best represented Southampton City College. 

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